
Muse book 3 paintings

I'm working on getting all the drawings scanned from the second series of drawings from the Muse book. And on the third series I started to paint with Holbiens Acrylic Gouache. A description of them would be that the paints are more opaque then Acrylics and they do not re activate like gouache. I consider them the best of both worlds. Here are a few of the paintings so far. With the paintings I would like to get better at creating a space for each figure to live in. My approach to this problem is looking at landscapes that are almost abstract but still have the sense of space that can be put into the a painting. The fifth painting down is one of my favorite and it the background was inspired by Henrique Oliveira's installations. The top painting is the most recent one and the background was inspired by this photo. The photos in that set are gorgeous and what was kept from those photos in the painting was the center having saturated color and the dark gradient on the outside edge. Some of the marks were made with a palette knife.

Have a fantastic and inspiring day:)

Here is the First Muse Robin ebook

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